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Scientific output of the users at the facilities

The list of publications that have appeared in journals during the reporting period:

  • Wang Y., Wang K., Wang T., Li X.Y., Khan F., Yang Z., Wang J., “Reliabilities analysis of evacuation on offshore platforms: A dynamic Bayesian Network model”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Vol.150, 2021, 179-193 (Peer-reviewed journal publication, doi: 10.1016/j.psep.2021.04.009, available in Open Access Repository Download.

  • Wang Y.F., Wang L.T., Jiang J.C., Wang J., Yang Z.L., “Modelling ship collision risk based on the statistical analysis of historical data: A case study in Hong Kong waters”, Ocean Engineering 2020, Vol.197, 1-12 (Peer-reviewed journal publication, doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.106869, available in Open Access Repository Download.

  • Wang X.J., Liu Z.J., Loughney S., Yang Z., Wang Y., Wang J., “An experimental analysis of evacuees’ walking speeds under different rolling conditions of a ship”, Ocean Engineering, 2021, Vol.223, 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.108997 (Peer-reviewed journal publication, doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.108997, available under Open Access Repository Download.

  • Wang X., Liu Z., Loughney S., Yang Z., Wang Y., Wang J., “Numerical analysis and staircase layout optimisation for a Ro-Ro passenger ship during emergency evacuation”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol.217, 2022, (Peer-reviewed journal publication, doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2021.108056, available in Open Access Repository Download.

  • Wang Y., Ma W., Wang T., Wang X., Malkeson S., Yang Z., Wang J., Liu J., “Dynamic optimization of evacuation route in the fire scenarios of offshore drilling platforms”, Ocean engineering, 2022, accepted for publication (Peer-reviewed journal publication, doi: not available yet, will be available in Open Access Repository


Workshop or conference presentations/ papers:

  • Wang Y., Wang K., Wang T., Wang M., Li X., Li F., Zhao J., “Research on collision avoidance of multiple ships based on fuzzy ship domain model”, The 6th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety, 2021 (Peer-reviewed, Not available under Open Access).

  • Wang Y., Ma W., Wang M., Wang T., “Design of real time monitoring and risk control system in Chemical Industry Park”, China Public Safety Conference 2021 (CPSC2021) (Peer-reviewed, Not available under Open Access).

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